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What We Do


Tuesday Night Worship

Each Tuesday night, we gather together as a big group for a Bible message! The messages are led by students, our advisor, or special guests. Open for all students, this gives us a great opportunity to witness to those who would like to learn about Christ!


Tuesday at 7pm in Student Union Room 262


Thursday Lunch

Each week, meals are brought in on Thursdays to feed our students! Open to everyone, we have discovered that this has been our best resource in getting students plugged in to Baptist Campus Ministries. The lunch is either brought by a local Church or bought using funds! 

Thursday at 12pm-1:15pm, with a devotion starting around 12:45, in Cone Center Room 112 


Community Service

As Christians, it is up to us to be the hands and feet of Christ, a call we are willing to answer. Community service events are scheduled during Fall and Spring semesters, and includes a Spring Break Mission Trip.



College is not just a stressful time, but can also be a lonely time for a lot of students. Realizing this, we make sure to host events throughout the Fall and Spring semesters to give everyone a chance to relax and have fun with their Christian brothers and sisters.

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